I spent almost a whole night to build this blog, and you can see the result. teehee :") !
I'm currently in the period of crazy for YunChun. I mean, I always love this cuple more than other cuples in DBSK but... ya kno', xD
So, I make this theme by YunChun fanarts, thanks to any those talented fans who created them ^____^
Also, we have a chatbox 8D Chat chit all the time :)) Cant image a life without chat chit xD But I guess it must be horrible ><
And, I'm sooooo passionated in chit chat stuff that I added some SMILEYS =D YAY!!!! [ What a pity that I could only add 10 of them, cuz I only have a basic account :( ]
Whatever, it's better than nothing XD So, we need to kno' the codes in oder to use these smileys, rite? Here they are :]

See, I had hard time to choose only these 10 smileys among hundreds of them >__< I really really wanna add some more bunny smileys ToT~~~
Ok, enjoy ;)
Aish, its 4:33, right when I decided to go to bed, I had a thought of re-check this blogspot by FF (I'm using IE7 as the main browser). And I needed to fix "a bit". That's why I end up staying up 'till now ToT~~
Dont wanna think about tomorrow @__@
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